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The Honesty Pill Podcast

May 11, 2022

My guest today is actor, improviser, writer, producer and comic genius, Roni Geva.

So, a nihilist, a realist, and an optimist walk into a bar... That's actually not a joke, just the backstory of how my guest today became the incredible human being that she is.

A disclaimer and a trigger warning for this episode:

  • the actor Will Smith is part of our conversation, but this interview was recorded before the slap heard 'round the world occurred. So when we don't bring up that topic, you will understand why.
  • Also, this episode discusses abortion.

Roni us one of the most hilarious, bubbly people I have ever met, and she is also a master at shining a spotlight on history, civil rights, and other very serious things.

This episode is not totally serious--there's some amazing, behind-the-scenes info on how TV shows and movies are made. Also, we'll teach you a little bit of Hebrew.

Enjoy and Happy Listening!

Chris @ Honesty Pill

The Honesty Pill Podcast is proud to be sponsored by the Yamaha Corporation of America. Thank you, Yamaha!