Feb 2, 2022
My guest today is Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Trumpet, Tom Hooten.
We’re going to talk about the three rules that Tom applies to EVERYTHING when it comes to playing the trumpet. He’s going to share the details with you, right here.
Think a player like Tom just sits around thinking and reading about nothing but the trumpet all day? I am willing to bet that the book he is going to recommend is NOT on your current reading list.
And stick around until the end, because Tom has just launched a really accessible and impactful video series called, “Studio Time with Tom” that you are going to want to check out.
Enjoy and happy listening!
The Honesty Pill Podcast is proud to be sponsored by the Yamaha Corporation of America. Thank you, Yamaha!
Instagram: @tomhooten
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TomHootenTrumpet/
Website: https://tomhooten.com/
Email: Trumpetmastery2020@gmail.com
Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/s?me=AKME9HG4KQMU5&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER